Rob Whiteman
Board of Directors

Sayulita, NAY, Mexico
he, him, his
Costa Verde International School
How do you spend your days? What are your passions? What is your occupation?
Teacher, school administrator, father, surfer, youth sports coach...
Explain your connection to the ocean. How does it influence your life?
I live in a coastal surf town. Try to surf at least 3 or 4 mornings a week before work. Organize monthly beach clean-ups. Organize, encourage and support hands-on ocean education as Field Studies and Secundaria Director at Colegio Costa Verde.
The mission of Saltwater Classroom is to bring together young students, as well as learners of all ages, through an innovative approach to ocean education. How does this apply to your experience?
I'm a big advocate and practitioner of hands-on education, and the ocean, as our largest and most important natural resource, is an essential tool and educational resource for understanding science and nature and human impacts on our global ecosystems.
What are your earliest ocean memories?
I grew up going to the beach in South Carolina every summer, catching and eating fresh shrimp and crabs, body surfing and skim-boarding, exploring the dunes and marshes, etc...
If you had to pick one thing, what is your favorite aspect of the ocean? We know, it's a broad question.
The waves!
Is there a dream ocean destination on your list? Where would you travel to next?
Too many to name. Tahiti?
Anything else to add?
Director of Field Studies