Ed Doudera, J.D., LL.M.
Board of Directors

Camden, Maine
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Attorney (retired)
How do you spend your days? What are your passions? What is your occupation?
Retired attorney, had focused on real estate, business law, and intellectual property. Have camp on local lake that wife, Vicki, and I love, as well as boat to explore Penobscot Bay. Two grandsons (4 and 2) that live in next town, so we see them often. Working with local non-profit to establish a community health center nearby. Have always enjoyed our time on the ocean, and the islands in the Caribbean - maybe something that opened Lexi's eyes.
Explain your connection to the ocean. How does it influence your life?
Not directly - except when boating, or helping Lexi with Saltwater Classroom.
The mission of Saltwater Classroom is to bring together young students, as well as learners of all ages, through an innovative approach to ocean education. How does this apply to your experience?
How hard Lexi works.
What are your earliest ocean memories?
Montauk Point. My family camped there for many years, learned to swim in (and respect) the ocean, went fishing, often on party boats filled with New Yorkers, met the original shark catcher and watched him haul in the catch.
If you had to pick one thing, what is your favorite aspect of the ocean? We know, it's a broad question.
The peace that watching it brings.
Is there a dream ocean destination on your list? Where would you travel to next?
Headed to Cuba in two weeks.
Anything else to add?
Keep up the good work.